Supplying Team - TEAM Industries

Supplying Team


Becoming A Supplier to Team Industries

Quality suppliers and an efficient, highly motivated supply chain are critical to TEAM’s success in increasingly competitive global markets. TEAM works with suppliers who deliver the best quality, value, and service at the most competitive cost. Our suppliers are innovative and dedicated to driving continuous improvement in their operations. Together, we will address all aspects of cost reduction, waste elimination and efficiency improvement in a dynamic global environment.

Supplier Policy Manual

Supplier Code of Conduct

The values and business practices TEAM looks for in its suppliers. This Code outlines TEAM’s expectations regarding workplace standards and business practices.

Standard Purchase Terms

These purchase order terms and conditions will be applicable whenever a TEAM Industries, Inc., division, subsidiary, operation, or plant issues a purchase order to a supplier within the U.S. and Canada; OR a TEAM Industries, Inc., division, subsidiary, operation, or plant issues a purchase order to a supplier that is outside of the country.

Supplier Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement

Risk Resiliency Index

IDEAS Program

Idea’s Drive Excellence, Advancement and Savings

The purpose of the TEAM IDEAS program is to encourage supplier-initiated cost reduction and improvement suggestions for the goal of creating value, by maintaining competitive advantage and success in the global market. Our marketplaces demand enhanced quality, the elimination of waste, lower costs, and continuous improvement. IDEAS help create an environment that promotes open communication and mutual benefit among TEAM, its suppliers, and its customers.