TEAM Spotlight - Lynette Jacobson - TEAM Bagley - TEAM Industries
September 20, 2023

TEAM Spotlight – Lynette Jacobson – TEAM Bagley

In today’s fast-paced and competitive business world, the success of a company relies heavily on the effectiveness of its TEAM members. It is through these people that we can achieve greatness.

This edition of our TEAM Member Spotlight allows us to highlight Lynette Jacobson. A devoted member of our team, Lynette’s dedication, and passion for her work have made her a vital asset to TEAM Industries.

Lynette’s journey with TEAM began in the fall of 1999 when she joined the company with the goal of earning money to remodel her kitchen. Now 24 years later, that opportunity has turned into a long and fulfilling career.  Starting as an assembly operator, Lynette showed her eagerness to learn, and her dedication has boosted her through the ranks. She is currently a supervisor of the assembly team, overseeing assembly operations and ensuring that her team meets the production rates and goals. Her vast experience makes her an invaluable resource for TEAM.

Lynette has spent most of her life in the Bagley region. In addition to her work at TEAM, she is proud to have raised 4 children and is now a loving grandmother to 7 grandchildren. She has a wide range of interests and hobbies.  Some of these are enjoying the great outdoors, like camping, fishing, and gardening.  She also takes pleasure in music, sewing, cooking, and entertaining.  But most of all, she enjoys spending time with her beloved grandchildren.

When asked about her favorite aspects of working at TEAM Industries, Lynette highlighted her adaptability to change.  She thrives in an environment where new projects are continually being introduced, and she genuinely enjoys the opportunity to work alongside Engineers and MEs to bring these projects to life.  She firmly believes that these individuals and their collaboration are the driving force behind the “Driving Innovation” and improvement at TEAM and for the company’s success.

Throughout her tenure at TEAM, Lynette has always been accommodating and willing to lend a helping hand to her colleagues. Whether it is assisting with a new build, a test unit, or supporting an operator, Lynette’s dedication to providing support and guidance is unwavering. Her positive attitude and willingness to adapt to change make her a dependable and respected member of TEAM.

Have questions? Get in touch with us!