TEAM Christmas 2023 - TEAM Industries
December 13, 2023

TEAM Christmas 2023


In the holiday season, the essence of generosity, and cheer comes alive, and at TEAM Industries, TEAM members experienced an extraordinary Christmas celebration. This year there was an abundance of music, delectable food, exciting prizes, and delightful conversations with colleagues beyond the confines of work.

Once more, The Shooting Star Casino delivered exceptional food, and provided us with a venue that allowed us to let loose a little. The evening featured music by the renowned (to TEAM) Bad Bacon, delivering a stellar performance as always. Additionally, fantastic gifts were raffled off that undoubtedly left smiles on faces or perhaps a tinge of envy.

Regardless of your luck that night, TEAM excels in creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere, spreading Christmas cheer at our annual party.



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